Younger Looking Skin

How to Achieve Younger Looking Skin: 7 Top Tips

Our skin tells a million stories. From our birthmarks to tattoos and scars, we can often trace our history and relive our memories through our skin, but that does not mean that we want others to be able to see just how much history there has been. Luckily, there are some effective ways that you can improve the condition and appearance of your skin, from state-of-the-art treatments to simple changes you can make to your day to day routine. To turn back the clock, improve the condition of your skin, and possibly boost your self-confidence, follow these 7 top tips.

  1. Cynosure Icon™ IPL treatments

We offer a range of anti-aging treatments designed to help you achieve clearer and younger-looking skin, but the most effective is our Cynosure Icon™ IPL treatment. At our Colorado laser clinic, we treat a range of skin conditions with this non-surgical treatment. The optimized-light photo-rejuvenation lightens and/or eliminate undesirable pigment and facial redness. The treatment creates microscopic wounds on the skin (with little to no discomfort). This causes the skin to heal itself by producing new skin cells, which reveals firmer and younger-looking skin.

  1. Cleanse your face every night

The most important time of the day to cleanse your skin is before bed. You should remove the make-up, dirt, and bacteria you have been exposed to during the day before it clogs up your pores. In the morning, it is best to splash your face with lukewarm water.

  1. Protect your skin from UV

The biggest cause of prematurely aging skin is being exposed to UV rays. Just a few minutes in the sun can cause damage such as sunspots and wrinkles, so your moisturizer and/or make-up should include at least SPF 30 protection from the sun.

  1. Minimize stress (and get plenty of sleep)

Stress and fatigue can have a huge impact on our health in many ways, but it is often noticeable in our skin. When you are stressed, the body produces a hormone called cortisol, which leads to inflammation, red skin, and acne. While we are not always in control of the amount of stress in our lives, we can soothe the symptoms by ensuring we get plenty of sleep, drink enough water, exercise, and incorporate antioxidants into our diet. Many people also find meditation, breathing exercises, and therapy to be beneficial when under stress.

  1. Incorporate a retinoid cream into your routine

Scientific research has found that the most effective products for smoothing lines and decreasing the visibility of spots are a retinoid cream. There are lots of retinoid creams on the market of varying strengths, but in general, they help to speed up collagen growth and cell turnover.

  1. Include omega 3 in your diet

Although saturated fats should be kept to a minimum for optimum health (no more than 17g per day), some fats are beneficial for us, such as omega 3 fatty acids. These fats hydrate the skin and are found in oily fish like salmon, mackerel and herring, and flax seeds, chia seeds, and walnuts.

  1. Get regular exercise

We get our blood pumping when we exercise, which carries more oxygen and nutrients to our skin. This boosts collagen production, which is what gives skin its plump appearance. Studies have found that women who exercise regularly have younger-looking and firmer skin than women of a similar age who did not exercise. If you can, try to work out for at least 30 minutes per week.